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Ardrossan Harbour Masterplan: evaluation


The Ardrossan Harbour Masterplan aimed to maximise the potential of the Marina and attract further private developments that would broaden the local economy and introduce new employment to the area. The evaluation aimed to assess the effectiveness of the key developments within the masterplan.


The methodology consisted of: a desk-based review; consultations with SE Ayrshire, North Ayrshire Council, Clydeport, Persimmon Homes, Calmac Clyde Marina and boat related businesses; and surveys with residents of the flats developed as part of the masterplan, residents of the Three Towns of Ardrossan, Saltcoats and Stevenston, and visitors to the area.


Notes that the developments have brought about a significant change in the perceptions of the area and Ardrossan. Finds the developments have helped to attract people into the local area who would not otherwise have been there. Impacts include: 7.5 FTE construction jobs; 6.9 FTEs jobs supported through expenditure of net additional residents; additional annual GVA of £0.35 million in Ayrshire; a contribution to the growth in employment at the marina and associated businesses; a second phase of residential development; a ‘demonstration project’ about the area’s opportunities; and increased investor confidence in the area. Observes that the developments have generated a return to SE Ayrshire which exceeds their initial investment and have addressed part of the market failures that existed.


Recommends that SE Ayrshire meet with the other masterplan partners to review how future phases can be taken forward and the need for public sector investment. Suggests there is a need to: establish progress with the other forms of development in the masterplan; and determine whether other forms of development will be required. Concludes that the masterplan should be set within the context of the wider Coastal Development Framework. SE Ayrshire should extend the use of the risk-reward arrangement used in this particular project.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Area regeneration