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BT Programme evaluation: final programme report. Version 3.3, final


Scottish Enterprise’s Business Transformation Programme (BTP) aimed to begin a transformational approach of business process re-design that would drive a number of operating benefits for SE, both in terms of service improvement and efficiency gains. The evaluation aimed to review what happened in relation to the programme from 1999 to mid-2003, what was achieved, and identify the lessons learned to help SE sustain continuous improvement.


The evaluation methodology consisted of: the design of the evaluation framework, an assessment of evidence and findings from the Programme evaluation, a financial review of cost and benefits, an analysis of evidence and findings from projects evaluation, and identification of lessons from leading practice.


Overall the programme has broadly achieved what it set out to do. It acted as an enabling vehicle for the organisation to transform. The vision of the BT programme was impressive and ambitious. Cultural change produced significant additionality for SE. Considers the use of consultants to have been essential and that the overall spending on BTP provided value for money. Much of the transformational activity is now mainstreamed with the organisation. Finds that Phase 2 was longer than normal and lost SE time and momentum, and that structural change did not follow the transformation process. The investment made in staff has not fully benefited SE and the less positive view of BTP by staff highlights that motivation will remain a challenge. Resourcing was an issue during BTP. Overall, suggests that SE leadership was inconsistent during the three phases of BTP.


In future transformations SE will need to design best approaches and processes to establish baselines for people and budgets. Rigorous programme management and consistency of leadership in such initiatives should be considered. Recommends that SE consider whether some actions can be taken in the short or medium term, and whether they can be incorporated within existing planning and continuous improvement processes established within SE.

Author KPMG
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Other