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Evaluation of Employee Lifeskills programme: April 2003 – March 2004


The Employee Lifeskills programme aimed to support: the growth of the Ayrshire economy by raising employees’ knowledge and skill levels, thereby increasing their flexibility, and improving their future employment prospects; and employers by contributing up to a maximum of 50% of the direct training costs of non-legislative employee training. The evaluation aimed to assess the effectiveness of their programme 2003-2004 and provide learning points for future programmes.


The methodology consisted of: an analysis of records held by JacoByte Ltd and discussions with their personnel; discussions with Scottish Enterprise Ayrshire Project Manager; and telephone conversations with a sample of 10 of the 75 organisations supported through the programme during 2003-04.


Concludes that the programme met its original objectives. Although 30% of the evidence is anecdotal, of the 70% of organisations providing tangible evidence, 30% provided very specific details of quantifiable benefits gained. Shows that 90% of trainees from sample put what they recorded on beneficiary records into practice. Finds that the programme: up-skilled/ increased knowledge levels of 543 Ayrshire employees, thereby improving their future employment prospects; helped organisations in the transition towards a knowledge-based economy; helped create ‘learning cultures’ within organisations; improved company competitiveness; and in some instances, helped safeguard existing jobs, and create new ones. Suggests the programme helped to create a positive impression of Scottish Enterprise Ayrshire.


Recommends encouraging organisations to establish effective internal training evaluation processes. Suggests improvements to the application assessment form and evaluation process. Advises that the funding confirmation letter could be clearer regarding funding conditions. Application forms should be reviewed to ensure all relevant Scottish Enterprise Ayrshire reporting data is requested within the form. Concludes that the programme should be administered in-house. Notes that Ayrshire organisations’ awareness of the programme’s existence could be raised further through distribution of a ‘flyer’.

Author McEachan Associates
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development