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Evaluation of Rolls-Royce Project ACE


The aim of Project ACE was to assist Rolls-Royce (RR) in 2002 to move their operations from Hillington to a new factory in Inchinnan. This move was to enable RR to remain as a competitive market player, by reducing the cost of manufacturing and the realisation of productivity improvements. SE Renfrewshire (SER) provided a property grant and discretionary training support. The aim of the evaluation was to: assess the overall impact of SER’s support to Project ACE from 2002 – 2005, and estimate any future economic impact, where possible; assess the progress in achieving the specific project outputs and anticipated future outputs; provide a qualitative assessment of success in SER’s involvement in Project ACE; and assess the direct quantitative training outputs for each part of the training delivered against the anticipated outputs.


The methodology consisted of: a documentation and data review; consultations with the SER Account Manager and a range of senior executives within RR, which included completion of a structured questionnaire; and an analysis of survey data, preparation of economic impact models and the organisation of a learning workshop. The evaluation focused on the outputs and impacts already achieved and to the level of anticipated future outputs and impacts – both qualitative and quantitative.


The evaluation found that SER initiated direct contact with the company, that RR has a clear understanding of what SER was seeking to achieve through the account management process and that there is a high degree of satisfaction with the service. The company demonstrated an application of learning and an improved trust of the SE Network. Suggests that participation with the SE Account Management Process has not led to the company forming relationships with other local businesses. The impact data shows that SER’s support led to a significant number of jobs being safeguarded in Scotland, with Project ACE proceeding smoothly due to account management support. In economic terms, SER assisted RR’s move, thereby safeguarding 900 FTE jobs. All activities had been achieved and all but a small number of outputs and impacts had been achieved. The feedback on the account management approach was highly positive. Training was an on-going component of Project ACE.


Recommends that SER continues to work with RR and become more proactive by seeking to take business improvement ideas to them, rather than wait for requests for funding support. Suggests that SER engages with other global companies to: understand their importance to local and national economies; and then to take business improvement ideas to the company, demonstrating the added value that the Enterprise Network can offer to global players. Concludes that SER should investigate potential opportunities for local companies to become competitive suppliers to RR.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Company specific
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses