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Evaluation of SE funding to ISLI: final report


The Institute for System Level Integration (ISLI) aimed to become a centre of excellence in System in Chip research, education and training, with a focus on new systems, products and applications. The evaluation aimed to assess: the extent to which ISLI achieved its vision; the performance of ISLI and its business model against objectives and measures; the key challenges for ISLI in the current operating environment; and the economic benefit of ISLI and the rationale for its continued existence.


The methodology consisted of: desk research; consultations with ISLI staff, partners and industry; a student workshop; a developmental workshop; and analysis and recommendations.


Finds that the MSc Programme has attracted 102 students, of which 41% are now employed in Scotland. It resulted in a loss of £305k due to salary costs. The EngD course met projected numbers for student uptake, but operated at a loss of £45k. 531 delegates from 81 organisations have participated in Courses for Professional Development (CPD), but finds that these have not performed as well as expected. The Design Team activity has generated potential value to ILSI of around £1m. ISLI has been involved in European Information Society Technologies project committees with a combined value to ISLI of over £500k. Overall, observes that ISLI is making a worthwhile contribution to the Scottish economy. It is supporting research in relevant areas and running courses that are of value to industry and retaining a design capability in Scotland. Concludes that ISLI offers poor value for money.


Recommends restructuring ISLI’s staffing structure and amending its business model to become a joint venture between the four universities involved. Concludes there is no advantage in retaining SLI Ltd as a legal entity. Suggests that it might be appropriate for ISLI to move location. Recommends significant savings to reduce public subsidy of the project.

Author DTZ Pieda Consulting
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Innovation
    Business innovation, Innovation system
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development