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Evaluation of the Management Development Programme for Inventors: final report


The aim of the Management Development Programme for Inventors (MDP) was to provide individuals with a clearer understanding of how to run and grow a successful technology business through a series of workshop sessions. The focus of the evaluation was changed from the original aims and objectives because information on how the MDP participation affected performance and productivity and the measurement of MDP’s economic impact was hard to obtain. The evaluation therefore aimed to consider impact in a qualitative manner.


The methodology consisted of: desk research; consultation with delegates (face-face and telephone interviews); consultation with key stakeholders; and an e-survey to all MDP participants.


Overall, the MDP appears to be relevant to the current and future needs of technology projects and business ventures. Finds that it is a programme for individuals not businesses, and that targets and performance measures should reflect this focus. Mentions that timing of the programme has emerged as a significant issue. Suggests that complete programme participation is not viewed as compulsory. Considers that a reasonable level of additionality has been achieved, but the MDP has had little measurable economic impact. Concludes that the delivery of the MDP is excellent, but with a lack of tangible output. Notes that the MDP has taken steps to address market failure. Provides a review of similar programmes and an example of a good practice model.


To enhance the operation and performance of the MDP, the report recommends that: the MDP should be integrated with ‘Proof of Concept’ (PoC) and Edinburgh Pre-Incubation Scheme (EPIS) programmes; timing of referring individuals onto scheme should be considered; the MDP should be promoted as a complete programme, rather than optional modules; the operational team should set performance mechanisms and targets to develop a more tangible output; and a more robust process of monitoring and follow-up, and marketing should be considered.

Author SQW Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Enterprise
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation, Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Innovation
    Business innovation, Innovation system