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Falkirk action plan: an evaluation


The My Futures in Falkirk (MFIF) programme aimed to provide a strategic approach to re-engineering Falkirk’s economy, with a view to diversifying into new sectors and reducing dependence on a small number of large employers. It aimed to create 4,250 jobs over 10 years and generate greater internal and external confidence in Falkirk as a place in which to live, work and invest. The evaluation aimed to: assess current and future economic impacts; evaluate partnership working processes; and make recommendations on partnership working processes and fit with the Community Planning process.


The methodology consisted of: one to one consultations with MFIF Management Group members, key officers and staff managing MFIF projects; analysis of key indicators for the Falkirk council area, Forth Valley and Scotland as a whole; and the development of case studies of other local action plans.


Although there have been limited job impacts to date, 2005 has seen a relative improvement in economic activity rates. The Falkirk economy still faces issues, including a limited small business base, low average earnings of residents, and joblessness and inactivity problems. Concludes there is a good quality partnership among the members of the Management Group, and between the Management Group and the staff delivering MFIF projects. There are weaker relationships with staff involved in wider business development and employment service delivery. Suggests there is a lack of clarity on how MFIF fits with the Community Planning process and who is responsible for maximising local employment gains.


Recommends that MFIF should be brought into the Community Planning process and have a dedicated staffing resource to project manage MFIF. Suggests the MFIF Management Group should establish a joint operational team to develop action plans. Responsibility for managing the development of the plans should be located within Falkirk council, ideally to an individual. Concludes that the MFIF Management Group should take responsibility for monitoring progress against the action plans.

Author Training and Employment Research Unit, University of Glasgow
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Area regeneration, Local/community regeneration