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Final project report: evaluation of Resource Efficiency Environmental Forum website and seminars. Volume 1 – Main body of report (Version 2)


Resource Efficiency Environmental Forum (REEF), a web based club, focused on topics such as environmental management, waste and energy management. It also aimed to provide a programme of quarterly seminar events, featuring speakers on relevant topics, for local companies in the SE Renfrewshire region. The evaluation aimed to: assess the overall effectiveness of REEF; gain a quantified assessment where possible; draw specific conclusions about the operation and effectiveness of REEF, and its seminar events; and make recommendations about the continued operation and development of the project.


The methodology consisted of: three face-to-face interviews and five telephone interviews with LEC representatives and REEF Steering Group members, an email-based survey of the REEF membership base, and telephone interviews with 30 REEF members.


REEF’s activities and services have been well suited to its members’ needs. Suggests that the website is not as well used and updated as it could be. Highlights the general view that REEF fulfils its strategic purpose effectively and addresses a genuine market failure. REEF membership appears to have made little tangible difference to most members’ companies, beyond being a useful source of information. Members felt their participation would increase in future.


Suggests that the REEF initiative should continue, for at least two more years, with public sector support. Advises that its basic format should remain unchanged, but that various aspects will have to be increased in order for the initiative to fulfil its strategic purpose with greater breadth and depth. Sets out a series of recommendations, including: the expansion of REEF membership; the ability for new members to review the website; a workshop to decide on new website content; existing members to increase their use of the website; the provision of a summary of evaluation results; the reflection of ranking of topics in future seminar events; and the extension of REEF’s activities. Concludes that decisions should be taken on strategic issues concerning REEFs future and that a membership fee should not be introduced at the present time.

Author Systems Insight Ltd
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Equity
    Sustainable development