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Get Ready for Work Exit Pack: evaluation report for Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian


The Get Ready for Work (GRfW) Exit Pack aimed to improve positive outcome rates and job sustainability; provide ongoing support for GRfW clients once they have left the programme; encourage them to re-engage with Careers Scotland; and re-engage negative leavers and encourage them to return, if appropriate. The evaluation aimed to capture the total impact made by the pack, including clients’ reactions, any additional knowledge or skills acquired by clients, clients’ behaviour, and outcomes achieved.


The methodology consisted of stakeholder, training provider and client interviews, and target data interrogation.


Shows that the pack appears to be delivering positive impact. Highlights that this will need to be confirmed following further evaluations of a larger sample. Finds that trainer providers view the pack as a useful tool for clients, and helpful in structuring and delivering elements of the GRfW programme. Observes that the majority of clients, particularly the completers group, were pleased to received the pack and found it helpful. Notes that there are some difficulties with distributing the pack at the end of the programme.


Recommends extending the Midlothian pilot to 2 or 3 more training providers and that the West Lothian providers start to ‘trail’ the pack during induction and at exit. Suggests that in future the pack will need to engage negative leavers more effectively. Recommends that consideration needs to be given as to how to use the pack during the programme to improve usage and impact. Mentions that SE branding compliance issues will need to be reconciled with the stated preferences of the client group.

Author Frontline Consultants
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Economic Inclusion