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Interim evaluation of the Scottish e-Skills Academy: a report to Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley


The e-Skills Academy aimed to increase the competitiveness of the Scottish economy by providing high quality training and development for individuals and organisations wishing to work in an e-world. The evaluation aimed to assess: the strategic fit of the programme within local and national priorities and programmes; the fit of the project with labour market skills needs; the market interest since the launch of the project, and of project outputs to date; funding support for the project since its launch, and of the sustainability of project activities in the future; and the impacts to date, and anticipated future impacts, at client companies.


The methodology consisted of: desk research; stakeholder consultations; and 15 telephone interviews with end-user consultations.


Considers the skills requirements of the labour market justify the need for this project within Scottish SMEs. Suggests that the project, at this early stage in its development, is delivering training for which there is a market need and market failure, at a standard which meets the requirements of delegates and employers, and which fulfils the strategic and operational objectives of its delivery partners. Considers the e-Skills Academy a successful and worthwhile project.


Recommends a full evaluation, timetabled for the end of 2005, to deliver: a quantitative impact analysis; value for money calculations; a financial analysis of costs and revenues; an assessment of whether the market can deliver the longer term sustainability of the project; an exit strategy for public sector funding bodies; and a test of the feasibility of launching the product through further regional centres. Concludes that the funding partners continue to match ESF funds until a full analysis and long term business strategy can be undertaken.

Author Biggar Economics
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development