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Low cost renewable energy (LCR): foresighting report


This report provides a summary of ITI Energy’s initial foresighting study on the market for low cost renewables (LCR) technology, focused specifically on wind and marine energy. In the context of this report, wind refers to onshore and offshore and marine covers wave and current (tidal and ocean). The report aimed to provide a structured analysis of LCR market needs and technology opportunities on which ITI Energy might focus, present conclusions to ITI member companies for their review and input, and catalyse further discussion and development of LCR technology development projects and proposals


The research utilised a foresighting process which involved brainstorming, desk-top research, workshops, conference visits / networking, one-to-one interviews and focus groups. Workshops were held on the topics of 'wind turbines' and 'offshore access and installation'. One-to-one interviews were held with a range of parties directly involved and influential in shaping technology developments. Focus groups were formed around emerging topics including turbine control and grid compliance. A list of 300 technology opportunities was created and then filtered and prioritised to create a shortlist of 16 technology areas on which to focus, summaries of which then formed the basis for prioritising how ITI Energy should move forward generating specific research and development projects.


The report finds that the wind market is likely to see appreciable growth in the following ten years, suggesting growth of around 15 per cent per annum for onshore and in excess of 30 to 40 per cent per annum for offshore. It is noted that offshore will require more substantial technology developments. Key factors likely to shape the market and technology in the next ten years are strong global growth in LCR renewables, resource availability, market support and regional differences in support, and the structure of the industry and developments within it. A range of barriers to commercial development are found to exist, including technical, political, social and economic factors. The 16 shortlisted technology opportunity areas are categorised into priority groups.


There were no recommendations as this was not in the remit of the report.

Author ITI Energy
Published Year 2010
Report Type Research
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors
  • Sectors