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Evaluation of Common Purpose: final report


The Common Purpose Programme is designed to help individuals in leadership and decision-making positions to be more effective in their own organisations, in the community and in society as a whole. It is funded by Scottish Enterprise Grampian as part of its role in promoting leadership among local businesses and organisations in the area. The evaluation aimed to assess the effectiveness of this support.


The methodology consisted of: a review of contextual documents; face-to-face consultations with key stakeholders; and face to face and telephone consultations with five participants on the programme.


Finds that the Common Purpose Programme is meeting its main aims and objectives and helping to develop more effective leaders. Identifies the main impacts on individuals: a deeper insight into the local environment and infrastructure, increased confidence, an appreciation of ‘fit’ within the bigger picture, courage to act in unfamiliar situations and strong networking situations, and empowering individuals to work outside their usual comfort zones and embrace new challenges and unfamiliar situations. Finds little measurable economic impact, but suggests it is fair to surmise that it will ultimately have a positive effect upon the region’s economy by maintaining and developing the current prosperity of the business base.


Recommends that continuing support for Common Purpose is not justified as it is not sufficiently integrated into the Network’s product portfolio and offers limited scope for scalability. Recommends giving serious consideration to supporting leadership development among account managed businesses and organisations in the North East. Should Scottish Enterprise Grampian wish to continue its support for the programme, proposes a set of recommendations in relation to timing, promotion and cross-sector participation.

Author SQW Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Leadership/management development