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Evaluation of Grampian Film Office


The Grampian Film Office (GFO) was set up in 2004 in order to address market failures in relation to the TV and film industry in Grampian. The objective of the GFO was primarily to attract production spend in Grampian, as well as attracting creative talent to Grampian and developing existing talent in the area. The GFO sought to provide information and signposting to potential funding sources, training providers and other industry contacts. It was anticipated that in encouraging more TV and film productions in the area, more opportunities for skills development and work experience would be created. It was also hoped that the productions would help contribute to place competitiveness and the quality of the region.


The evaluation of the project involved desk based research in order to ascertain the rationale for the intervention and how it is delivered. Seventeen telephone interviews with relevant organisations and individuals were also carried out, such as local colleges, film production companies, locations that had been used for filming, and four face-to-face consultations with stakeholders and the current Film Commissioner were carried out. An analysis of the desk based research and primary data gathered was conducted in order to establish the success of the intervention and what the longer term partnership model for the Film Office should be.


The evaluation finds that the past performance of the GFO has made limited contribution to Scottish Enterprise’s objectives. It is noted that only a small proportion of expenditure made by productions filming in Grampian can be attributed to the GFO’s activities. No evidence was found to exist of the contribution made by the GFO’s activities to raising the area’s profile. Suggests that based upon this, the return on investment has not been strong. It is however noted that there may be a lag time whilst the office builds up a profile.


It is recommended that the GFO focus on the additionality of its activities, how it contributes to the sector and to the region’s profile. To do this, it is suggested that the Film Office change its objectives to reflect its role in supporting skills and local business. It is also recommended that there is stronger engagement with local industry, and that good networks within the TV and film sector are created. It suggests that marketing activities need to be focused on certain types of productions, and need to be more pro-active. Also recommends monitoring the productions supported and expenditure secured by local film and TV businesses.

Author SQW Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies, Tourism
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support