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Evaluation of SEDG Telecoms Strategy 2003-2006


The SEDG Telecommunications Strategy (Broadband Programme) aimed to: ensure that the Dumfries and Galloway region’s businesses and communities had access to appropriate levels of affordable broadband services to meet their needs; keep the region abreast of developments elsewhere and on a level playing field economically and socially with other regions; and increase broadband uptake and use. The evaluation aimed to assess: programme objectives and strategy; the delivery mechanism; programme performance assessed against key target metrics; the direct and indirect economic impact of the programme; programme efficiency, effectiveness and value for money; intermediary impacts; lessons learned; and current market failures.


The methodology consisted of: a review of relevant documentation; an online survey completed by 58 Programme participants; and personal interviews with 14 Programme stakeholders, including ‘local champions’, service providers and other public sector stakeholders.


Finds that a range of business benefits were derived from broadband connection and a significant number of local jobs were created or saved as a result of the programme. The use of ‘local champions’ was a major factor in ensuring that target registration numbers were achieved. Concludes that the Broadband Programme delivered value for money, was efficiently and effectively delivered and had a net positive economic impact on the Region. Finds that significant market failures still exist. Notes that faster connections and the prospect of converged and feature rich services could be delayed or unavailable to businesses, because of Dumfries and Galloway’s relatively high supplier development costs per broadband customer.


Regarding future strategy, advises that the flexibility with which the project was run ensured that the project remained focussed to changing needs, and improved value for money. Local sources of marketing and communication were better received by local businesses, maintained momentum at key times, offered flexibility and represented good value. Concludes that the main emphasis of the programme was on issues relating to connectivity and suggests that more advice / training could have been provided in terms of e-strategy issues.

Author Parallel 56 Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors