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Evaluation of Lanarkshire Branding and Communication Project (LBCP): final report


The Lanarkshire Branding and Communication Project (LBCP) was created with the aim of changing negative perceptions of Lanarkshire and promoting the area as a place to live, work and invest. It was funded by a partnership comprising North and South Lanarkshire Councils and Scottish Enterprise Lanarkshire with ERDF funding.


The evaluation comprised five main research elements: a workshop with partners involved in the project; in-depth interviews with stakeholders; in-depth interviews with beneficiary businesses; quantitative research with beneficiary businesses in Lanarkshire; and desk research with relevant data and reports.


The LBCP project has begun the process of changing Lanarkshire's image, although this is a long-term process. Its marketing and communications activities have been pursued actively and it has met and occasionally exceeded its targets. Work with partner project the Lanarkshire Strategic Tourism Marketing Project (LSTMP) has been problematic for various reasons. There is popular support for the continuation of LBCP, although the form this should take is unclear.


Three options were put forward for the future of the project: continue branding and separate this from the work of the LSTMP; dismantle the project and absorb the work back into the two councils; or combine the work of the project with that of the LSTMP. The way forward that is chosen will depend most significantly on the availability of funding and the willingness of fund-holders to support alternative approaches.

Author Wood Holmes Group Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Area regeneration, Local/community regeneration
  • Sectors