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Evaluation of the Grampian Food Forum


The Grampian Food Forum (the Forum), which has been operating for over 15 years, aims to promote and support food production businesses in the North East of Scotland. The evaluation covers the last three years of the Forum’s operations, looking at its economic impact; the extent to which – and how – it is helping the sector to strengthen and grow; the views of participating companies and stakeholders on its impact and performance; and perceptions of local food and drink businesses who do not currently engage with the Forum.


The methodology consisted of: desk-based research; consultation with key stakeholders, including telephone interviews and e-surveys; and an economic impact assessment.


The evaluation concludes that the Forum is providing a unique and beneficial service to food businesses in the North East, and does not duplicate activity delivered elsewhere. Stakeholders indicated that they were extremely happy with the Forum’s operation and that they felt it is helping to promote food and drink produced in the region and build an association of food produced in Grampian with quality. Users continue to regard the Forum as a valuable resource to discuss common problems, share experience and best practice and identify opportunities to cooperate where opportunities for collaboration arise. In terms of economic impact, only seven companies were able to quantify the economic impact of the Forum on their business, highlighting the difficulty that businesses experience in attributing positive business outcomes. Out of these, there were increased sales of £678,000 per annum, and participating companies have attributed £77,000 of benefits realised in terms of cost savings, impact on employees skills/knowledge, improved internal processes and increase in competitiveness.


No specific recommendations were made but it is suggested that increasing the number of users of the Forum and increasing its penetration within businesses who are already users should be considered.

Author Frontline Consultants
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Food and drink