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Stem Cell Monitoring and Evaluation Framework: final report


The Scottish Stem Cell Intervention Framework (SCIF) is a joint venture supported by the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise (SE), universities, private companies and individuals, the aim of which is to establish Scotland as one of the leading world locations for stem cell activity. There are currently many scientific, technical and commercial barriers to stem cell research; the SCIF aims to overcome the commercial barriers. SQW Consulting was commissioned to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework for the SCIF, to measure progress in the family of projects supported by the SCIF and to measure Scotland’s progress in stem cell research compared with other nations.


A variety of methods were employed: consultation with members of the SE Life Sciences team, the SE evaluation team, the Scottish Government, SCIF project managers, Scottish Stem Cell Network (SSCN) members and other stakeholders; desk research on policy and context; a review of statistical data and other secondary sources; meetings with the SE steering group; and a workshop with SSCN members and other stakeholders.


The SCIF lies at the extreme end of the risk/return matrix, and SE have stepped in to take on a risk that private companies have not been willing to take on. The monitoring and evaluation framework can help by identifying gaps and opportunities along the way, using indicators appropriate for an industry that is not yet mature. Comparative research shows that while Scotland currently holds a strong place in stem cell research, other countries may be ahead in terms of clinical trials.


Areas that may require further exploration in the future were flagged up. These included: the availability of staff for translational research and development; the development of a proof of concept for current research; the role of clinical trials; the role of intellectual property; the establishment of links with corporate investors; and routes to commercialisation.

Author SQW Consulting
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Innovation
  • Sectors
    Life Sciences