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Phase 1 Life Sciences Innovation Facility, Foresterhill Campus, Aberdeen: learning review report


Scottish Enterprise (SE) commissioned a learning review of its involvement in phase one of the Life Sciences Innovation Facility (LSIF) at the University of Aberdeen’s (UoA’s) Foresterhill Campus. The stated aims of the review were: to interpret and test the economic development and market appraisals underpinning the project rationale; to identify issues arising in the design and development of phase one; to assess the benefits of the ultimate occupation of phase one by a single tenant; to identify lessons from phase one; to investigate any continuing market failure in the provision of incubation space for life sciences businesses in Aberdeen; and to consider how any learning might be applied to any subsequent development on the Foresterhill Campus.


The review team undertook: an inception meeting with the SE Evaluation Team executive; a document review; selective consultation with executives from SE and UoA; and a facilitated workshop session with representatives from SE and UoA.


It was concluded that phase one of the LSIF has been successfully developed to a point where it is delivering significant economic benefits to the Aberdeen area and the rest of Scotland. The decision to accommodate Wyeth in the facility was deemed a success likely to enhance the potential for success in phase two. Greater demand for incubation space is expected over time. Costs escalation as a result of building cost inflation and supply constraints within the Aberdeen construction sector was recognised by all partners. UoA has demonstrated its ability to bring such a project in within time and on budget and has a clear view on how phase two should be procured and managed.


It was recommended that a larger LSIF site be developed during phase two. The consultants also commented that the ongoing management and tenant succession policy of LSIF2 will be central to its delivery of economic benefit and that, in time, the partners will need to give consideration to the supply of suitable premises for companies which graduate from this facility.

Author Malcolm Watson Consulting
Published Year 2010
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Sectors
    Life Sciences