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Project Review: Alba & Hillington Innovation Centres


The Hillington Park and Alba Innovation Centres were established in 2000 and 2005 respectively to support the development of knowledge-based, high growth technology companies. The main aims of the review were to assess: the strategic fit of the schemes; project costs; project performance and benefits; economic impact; delivery processes; management information; linkages and dependencies; and contribution to the equity and equalities agenda. A full ten year impact assessment for each centre was also developed.


The methodology consisted of desk-based research and consultation with stakeholders, the results of which were then synthesised and analysed.


The key conclusions from this review are that the Hillington and Alba Innovation Centres: have a strong fit with the current aims of the Government Economic Strategy and the policy outlined in the Scottish Enterprise (SE) business plan, although there is a lack of clarity around where the projects fit within SE; have both made steady progress against their respective targets; both appear to be working well and are demonstrating the key success factors in relation to the physical elements of incubation; and are likely to have generated a modest return to date, though a greater return if capital costs are excluded from the assessment. It is estimated that the impacts for both centres combined could amount to a value of £18m of net GVA benefit over the 10 year assessment. Overall, the centres appear to be making a positive contribution to the growing business agenda of SE.


The following recommendations were made: the profile of the centres within SE should be raised; where the centres fit within the SE restructure and plan activity to align with any decision should be identified and made clear; monitoring procedures should be reviewed; and a more consistent set of targets across the centres should be developed.

Author Frontline Consultants
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation