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CeeD membership perception and benefits study


CeeD is a cross-sector peer-to-peer community and co-operative problem solving and learning network, originally operating within the engineering sector but now operating across many key public and private sector organisation. This report summarises the findings of a review and evaluation of CeeD’s operations and services, and the impact it has had on its membership.


The evaluation involved consultations with stakeholders, board members and CeeD members.


Consultees reported that they felt there was value in the types of services delivered by CeeD. Networking opportunities, increased information and provision of training were the main benefits identified by businesses as a result of engaging with CeeD. The cost of membership was not considered to be a barrier to membership renewal. It was agreed that some key actions for the CeeD Board and management would be to develop a new business plan for the organisation, and develop a financial sustainability plan that clearly shows how CeeD will develop and survive in the longer term.


Opportunities for improvement identified included the creation of a more tiered membership approach that would better fit with the structure of existing members, and increase CeeD’s potential target audience. Other potential improvements included: enriching CeeD’s profile, both in terms of its branding and identity, and its digital presence; developing and strengthening strategic linkages with wider stakeholders; developing a more tailored approach to delivering events and clinics; establishing a more robust Performance Monitoring Framework that measures the outputs, outcomes and impacts of the service; and providing sponsoring members with additional data in relation to what is being delivered across their region/area, and the benefits and impacts it is generating for the business base.

Author Ekos
Published Year 2017
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses