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Energy Efficiency Capability Database Study


BRE (with support from Innovas Consulting Solutions Ltd) was appointed to undertake an Energy Efficiency Company Study to support the development of a Scottish supply chain programme for energy efficiency in the built environment. The study was concerned with evaluating Scottish capability and emerging opportunities associated with three energy efficiency sub-sectors: efficiencies in building fabric and related technologies; efficiencies in domestic heat, including space and water heating; and efficiencies at a network or aggregated community scale (excluding district heating), which may include elements of Energy Systems technologies.


The methodology consisted of: identifying the key sub-sectors and technologies within the 3 sub-sectors of interest, and developing a database of Scottish capability; market analysis, which provided quantified estimates of the size of the Scottish, UK and international markets for key sub-sector categories and technologies, and an analysis of key market drivers and potential future growth - analysis also enabled a ‘mapping’ of Scottish capability against the key market opportunities; and economic benefit analysis, which provided a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the Energy Efficiency sector in Scotland and comment on its importance nationally and internationally, the potential for future growth and key issues that could foster or constrain this growth.


215 Scottish based companies were identified as having energy efficiency capability or expertise, supporting 8,200 FTEs and a GVA of £885m. Of these companies, a relatively small number are product manufacturers/developers (43), with the vast majority being service providers (176).


A series of recommendations are presented, with a particular focus on both the Scottish Government’s Energy Efficient Scotland programme objectives and also on potential international opportunities for Scottish organisations, over the next ten years (i.e. circa 2018 to 2028).

Author Scottish Enterprise
Published Year 2019
Report Type Research
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors
  • Sectors