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Glasgow Geothermal Energy Research Field Site Company demand analysis


The key aims for the research project were as follows: to carry out a thorough review of the current Scottish geothermal company base; to survey the companies identified regarding their interest in the Glasgow Geothermal Energy Research Field Site (GGERFS) from a geothermal energy perspective; and to provide recommendations on how Scottish Enterprise (SE) can work with the British Geological Survey to market the GGERFS effectively to companies both in Scotland and internationally.


The methodology consisted of a literature review and engagement with a number of stakeholders in the area of geothermal energy.


The key finding is that the presence of the GGERFS in Scotland, and the adjacent Clyde Gateway 5th generation district heating network, could be an opportunity to create a platform for collaborative action that will maximise benefits to Scottish companies, provide the evidence for wider replication and attract key players from other countries.


The key recommendations of the report are as follows: to create a focal point for mine energy innovation around the GGERFS; and to incentivise innovative oil & gas industry companies to demonstrate new technologies to unlock Scotland’s deep geothermal energy resources.

Author Optimat
Published Year 2019
Report Type Research
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors
  • Sectors