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Economic Research alert – August 2022


This paper provides an overview of research in the public domain with a focus on the priorities from the Scottish Enterprise Business Plan (jobs, net zero, place) – there is also a section on general business surveys.


The methodology consisted of desk research.


Jobs - Scotland is in a good position to capitalise on green jobs growth suggests new research, UK workers are going into the office an average of 1.5 days a week, with only 13% coming in on a Friday, a survey suggests. Net Zero - 92% of the Scottish public think the renewable energy sector is important to Scotland in terms of its social value, while 89% think the sector is important to Scotland in terms of its economic value, UK carbon capture and storage could be worth £100 billion to local manufacturing employers. Place - The Royal Bank of Scotland Student Living Index shows that Edinburgh is now the most expensive place in the UK for students to live. Almost half of Scots are taking at least one holiday or break in Scotland this year with the Highlands & islands and Edinburgh the most popular destinations. Other business - The costs of energy, the price and availability of inputs, and staffing issues continues to be highlighted. A survey of over 2,600 UK exporters has revealed that overseas sales growth has been effectively stagnant for more than a year, since the economy fully reopened after lockdown.


The report makes no recommendations.

Author Scottish Enterprise
Published Year 2022
Report Type Research
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors
  • Sectors
    Energy, Tourism