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Economic Research alert – November 2022


This paper provides an overview of research in the public domain over the last month with a focus on Jobs, Innovation, International and Investment.


The methodology consisted of desk research.


Jobs - New research which looks at “Early Exiters” shows that compared to before the pandemic, there are over 100,000 more people aged 50-64 who are no longer in work because of a long-term health condition. A new study has found that Edinburgh offers the best opportunities for a career in finance after London. Innovation - Political instability is now biggest threat to UK’s net zero ambition, according to the Energy Transition survey. A report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) suggests that Russia's invasion of Ukraine will have long-lasting effects on energy supply and markets. International - A report from the Institute of Directors suggests that 47% of businesses are still finding Brexit challenging, 33% can envisage opportunities materialising from Brexit, and 28% state that supply chain disruption is having a negative impact on their organisation. More than half of UK firms are targeting trade with the continent in spite of new post-Brexit rules, a new survey has found. The key drivers are existing trading relationships, proximity and the 450m customers in the market. Investment - An economic impact report has found that the Royal Highland Show contributes £39.5 million annually to Edinburgh’s economy. A proposed new stadium at Aberdeen beach is projected to inject at least £1billion into the local economy over the next 50 years and generate footfall of 38 million.


The report makes no recommendations.

Author Scottish Enterprise
Published Year 2022
Report Type Research
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies, Energy, Tourism
  • Internationalisation