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Review of the SMAS Yellow Belt Six Sigma Programme: main findings


The SMAS Six Sigma Yellow Belt Programme was introduced in 2020 in order to provide a semblance of consistency to the six sigma training that was being provided to industry. This internal review was undertaken to provide the team with feedback on whether the new approach was valued by users, if it should continue and if so what changes/improvements should be made to it as society moves out of lockdown into a post-Covid working environment.


A series of 11 qualitative consultations were carried out with training practitioners, SE staff involved in the original pilot cohorts and companies provided with the training during 2020/21.


Feedback was overwhelmingly positive with all participants complimenting the in-depth knowledge and expertise of the SMAS training providers; the delivery approach; and the post training support. Participants all noted a development in their skills sets and their approach to tackling problems which was helping them to better do their jobs. A small number of businesses had already experienced business impacts including productivity improvements and reductions in wastage/delivery times.


The review highlighted a continued desire for training of this type, with consideration required to determine the balance of face to face delivery that should be introduced. Ongoing post project support/mentoring was also encouraged to ensure that projects fully deliver their potential.

Author Scottish Enterprise
Published Year 2022
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development, Leadership/management development