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UAE hydrogen - clean energy incubator scoping study


Scottish Enterprise appointed Xodus Group to examine potential options for a delivery model to support the creation of a facility in Abu Dhabi which enables Scottish supply chain companies (predominantly SMEs) to bring their products and solutions to the UAE in a supportive environment. This study also examines the Clean Energy MoU between the UK and UAE governments confirming joint ambitions for clean energy investment and cooperation, and themes including COP28, and new or upcoming policies in Scotland, UK or UAE that might have relevance to SMEs, clean energy/hydrogen, or cross-country collaboration. Specific objectives of this research were to: estimate scale of demand amongst energy supply chain in Scotland; determine key requirements and scope of facilities required by the target company base; review current incubator landscape in UAE and assess how the facility will complement existing provision; define requirements and expectations of key stakeholders in UAE; and identify potential delivery partners in Scotland and UAE.


Xodus Group carried out desk research, online surveys, a policy review and structured interviews with key stakeholders and organisations. They produced a report with a range of potential options for moving forward with the project.


Xodus Group carried out desk research, online surveys, a policy review and structured interviews with key stakeholders and organisations. They produced a report with a range of potential options for moving forward with the project.


1). Business as Usual plus (BAU+) - represents SE and SDI doing more to spread awareness of the opportunities which exist in the UAE for Scottish-based SMEs. This includes hosting a new market webinar or in-person workshop describing the opportunities which exist and inviting Scottish SMEs to networking events when UAE delegations are visiting. 2). “High-growth SMEs – builds upon the previous BAU+, by beginning to directly target Scottish SMEs with high potential for growth in the UAE Energy Market. Key activities include trade missions and bespoke consultancy support through delivery partners. 3). Establish a Clean Energy Incubator and business centre in Abu Dhabi. Key activities include engage with potential delivery partners, explore bespoke offerings from delivery partners to create business models and identify delivery team and pilot cohort.

Author Xodus Group
Published Year 2023
Report Type Research
  • Sectors
  • Internationalisation
    Exporting, Internationalisation of Scottish businesses