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Estimating the impact of an improved Healthcare innovation ecosystem in Scotland


The objective of the research was to articulate and model the potential impact of building a world-leading health and care innovation ecosystem in Scotland across three domains: (1) direct economic impact (e.g. job creation, GVA), (2) indirect economic impact (e.g. fiscal savings), and (3) social impacts (e.g. improved health & wellbeing).  


The methodology consisted of desk research.


A wide range of potential positive impacts arising from the a more effective health and care innovation ecosystem are identified and set out. These have the potential to make a significant economic contribution to Scotland. There is a clear rational for continued investment and work to create a more effective health innovation ecosystem and to stimulate greater triple-helix collaboration.

There are limitations relating to the lack of holistic evidence, evaluation, and academic modelling work in this space to date and recommendations for further work are proposed.


This is an evidence paper and does not set out specific recommendations.

Author ekosgen
Published Year 2024
Report Type Research