Annual gender pay gap report: FOI response (reference 4970)
Date received
31 March 2022
Date responded
28 April 2022
Information requested
This is an information request relating to the cost of producing an annual gender pay gap report. Please include the information for each of the following periods; 2019-20; 2020-21, 2021-22:
- The cost of producing each gender pay gap report, including a breakdown of the cost such as the number of FTE staff working on the report. This should cover the full process of producing the report including research, drafting, proof-reading, communications etc
- Any internal assessments of the costs and benefits of producing the report.
The regulations for gender pay gap reports cover private sector organisations; as Scottish Enterprise is a public sector employer, we are not required to publish an annual gender pay gap report. However, we are required under the Public Sector Equality Duty to publish an equality mainstreaming report every 2 years. This report differs from the requirements of the gender pay gap regulations and covers more than just gender pay gap analysis. We are required to include:
- Report on mainstreaming the equality duty
- Report on progress with equality outcomes and set new ones as appropriate
- Assess and review policies and practices
- Gather and use employee information
- Publish gender pay gap information
- Publish statements on equal pay to include gender, and in future disability and race
- Consider award criteria and conditions in relation to public procurement
- Publish in a manner that is accessible
You'll find the most recent report on our website (PDF, 4.24 MB, 80 Pages)opens in a new window
We don’t hold any information about the cost of producing the equality mainstreaming report or specifically the gender pay gap and equal pay sections. The work for these sections is only part of a wider report and the requirements for the equality mainstreaming report are different to the annual gender pay gap report. The cost would be internal staff costs only as we produce our mainstreaming report in-house. We have not carried out any internal assessment of the costs and benefits of producing the report, therefore this information is not held. As noted above, the only cost for the last report was staff time and we did not record this.
Contact us
For further information please contact our communications team, quoting the FOI reference number.