Children's nurseries/early years settings that obtained pivotal enterprise resilience fund grants: FOI release (reference 4822)
Date received
29 July 2020
Date responded
27 August 2020
Information requested
The number of children's nurseries/early years settings who obtained the pivotal enterprise resilience fund grant and how much they obtained. In addition I'd like to add the location of the nurseries/early years settings in receipt of the grant.
As you may know, Scottish Enterprise was responsible for managing two grant funding schemes on behalf of the Scottish Government – The Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund (PERF) and the Creative, Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises Hardship Fund (CTHEHF).
We shared this responsibility with other Economic Development Agencies, such as Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), and were given the task of assessing applications submitted by applicants from our geographical areas.
We put a plan in place to release a full list of awards shortly after the fund process was completed, comprising of lists published on each Economic Development Agency’s corporate website. To this end, we have today published a list of all awards on our website under COVID-19: Additional grant funding section.
The list provides the business names, their local authority area, sector and grant amount. We would advise that you can sort the list, for example by the ‘Care’ and ‘Education’ sectors, which will help you to identify the information that you have requested. I also wish to make you aware of other information on the Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund (PERF) that has already been made publicly available: The basis for all PERF awards was outlined in the eligibility criteria. All successful applicants had to submit evidence to prove that they met this criteria.
PERF statistics and a summary of the applications opens in a new window has been published by the Scottish Government website.
As this information is publicly available, it is exempt under FOISA. Section 25 of FOISA exempts information from disclosure by a public body if a requester can obtain the information without making a request for it. This recognises that where information is publicly available, there is no need to provide an alternative right of access to it through FOISA.
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