SHINe team
Learn about the team that delivers the SHINe project.

SHINe was formed by Scottish Enterprise. It’s being delivered by Carbon Limiting Technologies and Gemserv, a Talan Company, up to 2026.
Find out more about the team committed to shining a light on the Scottish hydrogen innovation network.
Carbon Limiting Technologies (CLT)
CLT works with industry and government to commercialise low carbon innovations and accelerate clean growth.
James Ruel
James is Project Manager for SHINe and one of the dedicated engagement champions working across the innovation network. He leads on the overall delivery and is one of the first points of contact for all engagement.
He leads the support to SHINe stakeholders and businesses. Stakeholder support could include direct one-to-one support from a dedicated advisor/mentor who would be able to provide specific support to stakeholders. James will co-ordinate the support to businesses, including an application process and business diagnostic, and allocation of a specialist mentor.
Contact James by email at:

Robert Olrog
Robert is the Deputy Project Manager and Inward Investment Lead for SHINe. He supports Scottish start-ups to connect with investors. He also helps both start-ups and universities with international funding opportunities. Robert is the main point of contact for those seeking funding for innovation.
Contact Robert by email at:

Gemserv, a Talan Company
Gemserv, a Talan Company, specialises in navigating complex and highly regulated energy and environmental sectors, providing a comprehensive range of services tailored to organisations in both public and private entities.
Josh Wilson
Josh Wilson is the Engagement Champion for SHINe and is responsible for bringing together SHINe members, users, supporters and innovators to facilitate collaboration and innovation. Josh has also worked with SHINe members to assess and map the capabilities that exist across Scotland’s hydrogen innovation network, to make it easier for companies and investors to see the nation’s diverse offerings in one space.
Contact Josh by email at:

Harry Morton
Harry Morton leads the SHINe Industry Advisory Board, which exists to provide strategic guidance to SHINe members and ensure their offerings reflect the pressing needs of the hydrogen industry. Harry organises, leads, and chairs each board meeting, and also represents SHINe at events.
Contact Harry by email at:

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SHINe provides resources to simplify and aid innovation in Scottish hydrogen.
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