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Capability directory

Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc (MSIP)

MSIP is a joint venture between Michelin, Dundee City Council, and Scottish Enterprise, created to generate economic growth in Scotland and support the net zero transition. 

MSIP has an innovation campus, a Skills Academy, and offers business, innovation and skills support. It work in partnership with industry, academia, government and the local community, with an aim to transform Dundee into a key location for sustainable innovation.

Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc

Collaboration opportunities

Here are some examples of collaboration opportunities:

  • MSIP is committed to working in partnership with industry, academia, government and the local community to transform Dundee into a key location for innovation that will progress emerging technology for a greener future.
  • MSIP provides opportunities for fuel cell development, niche vehicle design and manufacturing, and additional supply chain opportunities including refuelling infrastructure, operation and maintenance, and hydrogen safety and flow rate meteorology. 

Key hydrogen contacts

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