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Case studies

Learn about some of the companies we've worked with.

Colleagues collaborating in an office next to a laptop.
  • Argyll and the Isles Tourism Co-operative

    The Argyll and the Isles Tourism Co-operative was formed to showcase the region and reach out to wider markets, expanding the scope of local businesses through a collaborative approach.

    Published: 10 Mar 2020
    5 minute read
    Co-operative business models
  • Community co-operatives in Scotland

    Meet the local groups using a co-operative business model to enhance their communities and provide vital services.

    Published: 02 Jun 2020
    5 minute read
    Employee ownership
  • STAR-Dundee benefits from employee ownership

    Find out how employee ownership helped this aerospace engineering company preserve its culture and empower the team who create its cutting-edge products.

    Published: 04 Mar 2020
    4 minute read
    Employee ownership
  • Market research helps 1nhaler access funding

    Find out how we supported 1nhaler, a Scottish medical company that has developed the 1nhaler device, a new technology platform for inhalable dry powder medications. 

    Published: 29 Nov 2019
    2 minute read
    Innovation support
  • Benefits of language skills in international business

    From gaining a competitive edge to winning new contracts, family-run business ACE Aquatec is finding that developing language and intercultural skills among its team and accessing the right support, is helping it grow in international markets.

    Published: 13 Sep 2019
    5 minute read
    Exports and international markets
  • SoilEssentials - using data to improve farming

    Started by a couple of insightful farmers, this Scottish business puts data at the heart of its operational strategy to help farms, across Scotland and overseas, achieve the best possible results.

    Published: 02 May 2019
    2 minute read
    Data-driven innovation
  • Staff ideas keep Stena Line innovative

    Stena Line, a large ferry company, opened innovation up to its employees – with remarkable success.

    Published: 30 Jul 2018
    2 minute read
    Innovation support
  • Appointedd CEO's exporting tips

    Leah Hutcheon, CEO of Appointedd, explains how her Edinburgh-based start-up has revolutionised the way small businesses sell their time worldwide.

    Published: 30 Jul 2018
    Exports and international markets
  • How Ireland Alloys secured an export deal with China

    Rosie Hill, Business Development Manager of Ireland Alloys, shares her insights on the benefits of exporting to China and tips for success

    Published: 30 Jul 2018
    4 minute read
    Exports and international markets