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e-Business Services delivered by e-Business Centre


The e-Business Centre (e-BC) aimed to offer e-business services and support to local businesses. The evaluation aimed to: identify the performance to date; establish the outputs attributable to the activities of the Centre; recommend future strategic options for Scottish Enterprise Renfrewshire (SER); and identify potential strategic projects to achieve the overall aims of SER.


The methodology consisted of: a commissioning meeting; a desk review; consultants with local recipients and stakeholders; a statistical analysis and initial draft report; an interim review workshop; a strategic report; and a final review report and action plan.


Indicates a good reaction to the services provided and suggests that service quality has improved at the e-BC. Strong elements include the overall administration of the process, contact management with clients, and staff performance. Suggests that clients are not setting measures of success for their initiatives, despite advisory comments. Observes a difficulty in the provision of advice at first level of contact. Notes a medium level of additionality attributable to the services. Resultant activities include: investment in web sites; attributable sales; and operational effectiveness.


Recommends that SER should: consider an up-skilling programme; establish information on access to SE / UKO4B sources; regularly review service delivery’s timings; establish a guidance pack; introduce a check-list for measuring costs-benefits of initiatives; review current training course information; clarify funding process guidelines and recommend a support package; evaluate the skills needs of advisors; incorporate quality check procedures; ensure that speakers do not sell their services to course delegates; combine EON, PA, PR & WA under one title of E-Business Advisory Support; provide an enhanced tele-service for the 0845 number; improve the client contact process; establish an evaluation process for the future contract; instigate an economic evaluation process for current services; reassess claims against actual results; and consider a ‘Skill-seeker’ programme.

Author Robert J Jackson, Jacobyte Ltd
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Company specific
  • Innovation
    Business innovation