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Chair of Tourism evaluation


The Chair in Tourism at the University of Stirling aimed to: research into aspects of tourism and establish a tourism research centre; lead tourism degree courses and integrate tourism with existing courses; establish the Chair of Tourism as an independent ‘think tank’ for the tourism industry; and establish linkages with business clients. The joint final project evaluation and internal audit aimed to consider the project’s outcomes, whether the original objectives had been met and whether the correct internal procedures had been followed.


The methodology consisted of: desk research; consultations with SEFV, partner organisations, and the tourism industry; and a questionnaire given to a sample of Tourism degree students.


Notes the establishment of two degree courses and an MSc planned for 2005. Observes that the Chair has undertaken a substantial amount of research. Finds that due to capacity issues a research centre has not yet been established. Confirms the partial success to date of the Chair in achieving a series of ambitious objectives in a very short time period. Anticipates that through time and with the support of all parties the objectives could be fully met. Concludes that a good approval paper had been written, although it had various weaknesses.


Specific recommendations include: discussing progress to date and future partnership working; continuing support for the University of Stirling; deciding whether the name ‘SEFV Chair in Tourism’ should continue; reviewing whether a research centre should still be progressed; continually reviewing the degree content; raising the profile of the Chair; and agreeing what support the industry requires. For future projects, recommends that: economic appraisals are completed thoroughly; contracts are signed as quickly as possible; project monitoring arrangements are implemented in practice; the timescale of funding and the achievement of objectives is carefully chosen; and an interim evaluation to review progress is held.

Author Peggy Purves, Neil Kitching (Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley)
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support
  • Sectors