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Evaluation of Innovation and Technology Initiative (Innovatech): final report


Through a series of workshops, audits, specialist support services, student placements and interaction with Heriot Watt University, the Innovation and Technology Initiative (Innovatech) aimed to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to: adopt new technologies; exploit and protect intellectual assets; adopt a culture of innovation; and strengthen their links to academia. The evaluation aimed to assess: the success of the interventions in meeting the main objectives and targets; the number, size and range of companies supported; the impact of the intervention; the views of companies that have been supported through the project; the elements of Innovatech and how they fit together; how the project was utilised by Scottish Enterprise (SE) Borders and SE Dumfries and Galloway operational teams; whether the reasons for intervention remain valid; and the future strategic direction of Innovatech.


The evaluation consisted of: the project set-up; a review of literature; the survey design and plan; and interviews with companies (face-to-face and telephone).


Finds that Innovatech has been successful in helping to create a culture of innovation and influential in assisting companies to implement new practices and processes. Considers that the benefits of engaging with Innovatech are not being effectively communicated through participating companies. The networking aspect of the project could be improved. Suggests that companies did not attribute Innovatech in any significant way to outputs and the relatively low level attribution level could be partly due to programme delivery by third party consultants rather than SE staff.


Recommends that: there should be more emphasis on one-to-one innovation interventions; annual innovation conferences might offer regional encouragement for the adoption of innovation practices; Local Enterprise Companies (LECs) might consider the establishment of a Borders Innovation website; small groups of companies might be encouraged to work together in informal joint ventures; and local products might be developed focusing on the distinct processes of adopting innovation. Recommends further research regarding the provision of information on Scottish Universities’ innovation related courses and the variety of access methods available.

Author T L Dempster Strategy and Research
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Innovation
    Business innovation