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Implementation of ‘Changing Gear: Towards 2010’, 2nd year progress report: report by the LEF’s Strategy Monitoring Sub-Group


Lanarkshire Economic Forum’s (LEF) updated local economic strategy, ‘Changing Gear: Towards 2010’, and the subsequent Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, aimed to assist partners to identify key issues and challenges, and to help design and prioritise interventions to improve economic performance. The evaluation aimed to: provide an update on a range of key macro economic indicators relating to the performance of the local economy; set out the LEF’s sub-groups’ progress against their agreed 2005/2006 Action Plans; and set out their proposed actions for the year ahead.


The report was produced internally by the LEF partners, as part of a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, which ensured that progress made in implementing the local strategy was assessed on a regular basis.


Notes that for many of the key macro indicators, there is evidence that the local economy has improved its performance in a number of key areas over recent years. Highlights that the overall gap between Lanarkshire and Scotland’s performance remains unplugged. Provides progress reports (2005 / 2006) and draft action plans (2006 / 2007) for LEF’s sub-groups (Attractive Place, Routes to Inclusion, Services to Businesses, Tourism and Image, and Workforce Development), with a progress commentary across the key programme areas.


Recommends that LEF members should note the contents of the report and agree the 2006 / 2007 action plans for each LEF sub-group.

Author Lanarkshire Economic Forum
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Other