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Evaluation of BioDundee


BioDundee is a partnership between the public, private and academic sectors in the Dundee area to support and promote the life sciences sector. Its objectives involve the provision of opportunities for profile and awareness raising, networking and training, as well as supplementing marketing, providing information to the local sector, and providing signposts to additional sources of support. BioDundee sought to stimulate joint ventures between the existing Dundee research base and external organisations, thereby encouraging job creation, new businesses and SME growth. It also sought to stimulate additional investment in the sector and the development of local infrastructure to support it. The evaluation sought to assess the extent to which BioDundee has met its objectives, the impact of the project and how it can be amended in light of its outcomes.


The evaluation involved a desk-based review of BioDundee documentation and comparative research of four similar initiatives. Consultations were carried out with a range of internal and external stakeholders and telephone and online surveys of the BioDundee population were conducted. In addition to this, a learning workshop was also carried out.


It is found that the results claimed by BioDundee are above expectations for the performance indicators that were set for the initiative. A range of qualitative impacts were found to exist, such as being better informed about the industry, and collaboration with other organisations. It is noted that quantitative impacts were harder to assess, although some companies noted the creation of additional jobs, increased public funding and increased turnover. It is suggested therefore that there is some evidence of a return on investment.


It is recommended that a steering group consult with the wider community and produce a new strategy and action plan for BioDundee. This strategy is recommended to help increase value for money, and focus on events targeting CPD and improvement of company performance, as well as facilitating forums and business-to-business partnership events. Areas that are covered in other ways should be dropped from BioDundee’s remit. Emphasis is placed on BioDundee working with partners throughout Scotland to make activities more viable and effective.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    High growth entrepreneurship, Sector-level support
  • Innovation
    Company building
  • Sectors
    Life Sciences