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Glasgow city centre west: economic framework development study


Glasgow City Council (GCC) and Scottish Enterprise (SE) jointly commissioned this study which aimed to guide and promote the regeneration of the western edge of Glasgow city centre, to create an internationally competitive, mixed-use business district, building on the success of Glasgow’s International Financial Services District (IFSD). Coming soon after confirmation of Glasgow’s City Deal, the publication of this report comes at a good time to consider new ideas and to react and respond to opportunities to develop Glasgow’s international competitiveness even further.


The research assessed the needs and aspirations of the business and residential community through consultation with government agencies, the local authority, service utility providers, owner occupiers, tenants, users and the general public. It included a high level analysis of the existing infrastructure; analysis of current proposals for the area; and analysis of the economic case by considering the work of the Glasgow Economic Commission in the context of current circumstances within the study area.


The key messages from the study are that: clear leadership of the Broomielaw area is required; the economic prospects for the IFSD are good and need to be capitalised upon; delivery of the remaining sites in the study area must be given top priority; Argyle Street requires regeneration of a high standard; there is a need for an overarching plan of the study area to aid and encourage further real estate investment; a mixture of uses needs to be implemented; there needs to be more focus on activity on the Clyde; the area needs to be made people friendly; and Anderston and Charing Cross stations require upgrading.


The study suggests a number of recommendations which are welcomed by GCC and SE, who will continue to work closely together to take these forward as new projects or via existing mechanisms and projects. The next stage of work required is to now look at the details of these recommendations, including how they relate to other development activities in the pipeline, especially those identified through the ‘Getting ahead of change: Glasgow city centre strategy action Plan 2014-19’ ( and of course, the City Deal.

Author Hypostyle Architects
Published Year 2015
Report Type Research
  • Business infrastructure
    Area regeneration