Research, evaluation and insight
Search our publicly accessible collection of evaluation and research reports. These reports cover all aspects of Scottish Enterprise's economic development activities and are available for download at no cost.
A strategic review of innovation support (2016)
The aim of the review was to understand attitudes to innovation among Scottish companies, including how and why they invest in innovation and how important they feel innovation is to their future growth and performance.IFF ResearchResearch -
FinTech scoping review: establishing Scotland as a FinTech centre (2016)
FinTech (Financial Technology) is defined in the report as “the consideration, application or provision of support to new or repurposed technology that creates efficiency, reduces costs, manages risk or generates new insights to organisations working within, or supporting, the Financial Services industry”.DeloitteResearch -
Scottish Enterprise business events study: executive summary (2016)
The aim of the study was to understand if and where further significant opportunities exist to attract additional business events revenues into Scotland.IPWResearch -
Productivity and tourism (2015)
The aim of the report was to examine some of the issues around productivity levels of the tourism and hospitality industry in Scotland.SQWResearch -
Hyperbaric and wider subsea testing market assessment (2015)
The aim of the study was to examine the potential for a range of subsea testing facilities in Scotland, covering: large scale hyperbaric testing; vibration table testing; environmental chamber testing; test pit access; hyperbaric rescue services; and additional qualifications for trained divers.Scottish EnterpriseResearch -
Leadership and management skills challenges within life and chemical sciences sectors (2016)
The report presents the findings from a study commissioned by Scottish Enterprise (SE) to help understand the current leadership and management skills gaps within two of their priority sectors – life and chemical sciences.FrontlineResearch -
The Ophthalmology Market (2015)
The report presents the findings of a review of the ophthalmic market which covers a wide range of industries and technologies including: contact lenses; optical instrumentation and devices; gene therapy; drug delivery systems; computer software for diagnostic and rehabilitatative testing; and research services.Stratagem Intellectual Property Management LimitedResearch -
Review of the Supplier Development Programme (2015)
The report presents the findings of a review of the Supplier Development Programme (SDP), a programme which aims to support SMEs and third sector organisations become more informed, aware and capable of tendering for public sector contracts in Scotland, the UK, and further afield.EKOSResearch -
Analysis of biomass supply chain in Scotland – opportunities for biorefining (executive summary) (2016)
This is a series of studies looking at opportunities in the Industrial Biotech (IB) sector in support of delivering the IB sector plan.OptimatResearch -
Growth and productivity performance of account managed companies (2016)
The research is an analysis of Scottish Enterprise (SE) and Highland and Island Enterprise’s (HIE) Account Managed (AM) Companies’ performance in terms of growth in employment, turnover and productivity compared to a sample of non-AM companies of similar size/sector.Enterprise Research CentreResearch -
Digital technology, digital participation and the circular economy (2016)
The research explored the areas of digital technology, digital participation and the circular economy, focusing on the computer re-manufacturing industry in Scotland.Reusing ITResearch -
Realising the benefits of digital technology: citizen-led innovation for health and wellbeing - a scoping report for Scottish Enterprise and the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) (2015)
The report aims to scope existing stakeholders in the digital landscape; describe the current role of the third sector; and identify the benefits, opportunities and barriers to encouraging citizen-led innovation for health and wellbeing.Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE)Research -
Better business better Scotland (2015)
The report provides an overview of corporate responsibility in Scotland, highlighting examples of best practice and suggestions for improvement.Social Value LabResearch -
A study of the contribution of cooperative models to Scotland’s economic strategy and evaluation of Cooperative Development Scotland (2015)
The report has two primary aims: to present the findings of a study into the contribution of cooperative models to Scotland’s economic strategy (ES); and to provide an evaluation of Cooperative Development Scotland (CDS) over the period 2009-2015.EkosgenEvaluation -
Growing Scotland’s international competitiveness and delivering sustainable economic growth: what works evidence review (2014)
The aim of this report is to highlight the available evidence on what works to promote and encourage the international competitiveness and sustainable economic growth of businesses in Scotland.Scottish EnterpriseResearch -
The risk capital market in Scotland 2014 (2015)
The purpose of the report is to provide a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the early stage risk capital market in Scotland for 2014.Young Company FinanceResearch -
Analysis of mentoring available to Scottish Life Science companies (2015)
This report outlines the findings from a study into mentoring services available to Scottish companies in the Life Sciences sector, based on work undertaken between February and April 2015.EKOS LimitedResearch -
Leadership and management skills, management practices and firm performance and growth in Scottish SMEs (2015)
The report was produced as part of a number of research projects that aim to build understanding of the impact improved leadership skills have on company performance.Enterprise Research Centre/Warwick Business SchoolResearch -
Social Enterprise in Scotland Census: 2015 (2015)
The report was produced as part of a research project that aims to build an understanding of social enterprise (SE) activity in Scotland.Social Value LabResearch -
An evaluation of the Offshore Wind Diversification Support programme: final report (2015)
The report provides an evaluation of the Offshore Wind Diversification Support (OWDS) programme, which seeks to help companies to diversify into the offshore wind (OW) sector.Bellerby Economics; Jean Hamilton LimitedEvaluation -
Equalities in Scotland’s growth economic sectors: final report (2015)
The purpose of the study was to examine equality issues in Scotland’s growth sectors since baseline research carried out in 2009, focusing on trends in the following protected characteristics: gender; age; disabilities; ethnic minorities; gender reassignment; marital and civil partnership status; maternity and pregnancy; religion and belief; and sexual orientation.Training and Employment Research Unit (TERU), University of Glasgow; Sutherland, Victoria et alResearch -
The Recycling of Entrepreneurial Talent (2015)
Entrepreneurial recycling considers how individuals evolve over time.Scottish EnterpriseResearch -
Employee owned businesses: access to funding (2014)
The aim of the research was to examine access to funding for employee-owned businesses (EOBs) in Scotland, of which there has been a significant increase in the last few years; it is estimated that the UK employee owned sector is now worth £25 billion annually, representing around 2% of GDP.University of Stirling; University of St AndrewsResearch -
Evaluation of Scotland Welcomes the World 2014: business engagement events (2015)
The purpose of the research was to evaluate the following business engagement activities delivered within the scope of Scottish Enterprise’s (SE’s) Scotland Welcomes the World 2014 Programme (SWTW): Geared for Gold; Showcasing Scotland Food and Drink; 2014 Commonwealth Business Conference; Scotland House Business Events; and the Ryder Cup (business engagement activities).Bellerby EconomicsEvaluation -
Low carbon heat foresighting: discussion paper (2015)
The research aimed to identify the key technologies and drivers which will enable the heating (and cooling) sector to transition to meet emission reduction targets of 80% by 2050.Scottish EnterpriseResearch
Impact appraisal and evaluation guidance
Read our impact appraisal and evaluation guidance to learn more about how we create these reports.
This guidance helps us ensure that any impact assessment for our projects and programmes uses consistent methodologies and is undertaken in a transparent way.
The full guidance is available as a PDF.