Business grants and funding calls
Find out more about our approach to grants, as well as the funds that are currently available.
Our current grants
SMART: Scotland grants
The SMART: SCOTLAND grant is a research and development (R&D) grants that aims to support high-risk, highly ambitious projects. It's used to conduct feasibility studies.
Regional selective assistance funding
Regional Selective Assistance (RSA) is a discretionary grant aimed at encouraging capital investment and job creation in Assisted Areas of Scotland.
Research and development (R&D) grants
Our R&D grants offer a range of support for companies that are looking to research and develop a new product, process or service, or significantly improve an existing one.
Funding calls programme 2024-25
Search new funding calls operated by Scottish Enterprise and other public sector organisations. This list is updated regularly and subject to change. Last updated January 2025.
Value: £ variable
This call is open.
We’re looking for companies from the energy and digital sectors to participate in a proof of value project. We want to show how digital solutions can address challenges in the energy industry.
There is up to £50,000 available to each company that provides a solution.
Value: £ variable
This call is open.
We’re looking for companies from the manufacturing and digital sectors to participate in a proof of value project. We want to show how digital solutions can address challenges in the manufacturing industry.
There is up to £50,000 available to each company that provides a solution.
Value: £ variable
Funded by: Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP)
Operated by: UKRI
This call is open.
Businesses can apply to work with an academic partner to address a particular innovation challenge.
Project costs vary greatly, but typically a small or medium sized business might expect to contribute £35,000 a year and a large company in excess of £50,000.
Value: £ variable
Funded by: European Space Agency (ESA)
Operated by: ESA
This call is open.
Businesses from any sector can apply throughout the year, and the amount of funding may vary according to the project.
The goal of this activity is for the business to develop a new commercial service that uses one or more space asset, such as:
- Satellite communications
- Earth observation
- Satellite navigation
- Human spaceflight technologies
- Other space assets
Value: £ variable
Funded by: Defence & Security Accelerator (DASA)
Operated by: DASA
This call is open.
DASA open call is looking for innovative ideas to improve the defence and/or security of the UK.
Closed funding calls
The following funding calls are closed and no longer accepting applications:
- Manufacturing Property Challenge Programme – Call 1 closed 19 September 2024
- Workplace Transformation Support fund – closed 4 October 2024
- Green Heat Innovation Support Programme (GHISP) – closed 5 December 2024
- Scotland CAN DO Offshore Wind Innovation Feasibility Challenge Call – closed 10 January 2025
What are funding calls?
Many of the funds promoted on this page are delivered as funding calls, which not everyone is familiar with. Funding calls:
- Are often delivered in a series of funding rounds that open and close for a fixed amount of time
- Are aimed at supporting businesses with specific projects or activities
- Have clear criteria or outcomes that businesses should meet – such as creating new jobs, creating jobs in target areas, developing green technologies, or implementing socially conscious business practices
- Are competitive – applicants need to show why they should get a portion of the fund and how they’ll meet the specified outcomes. Not everyone who is eligible will win funding, as funds only go to the highest scoring applicants.
Changes to our grants
We’ll still be delivering a few targeted grants, but we’ll also be focusing on helping you find the right grant funding from our partners and external sources.
Our new funding model is simpler and more inclusive. It’s changing the way we support businesses, and will help create jobs and promote a greener economy. We'll be promoting funding calls and grants from across our partner organisations, as well as delivering a few targeted funds of our own.
Outside of our calls and grants, we’re keen to continue talking to you about your projects. We'll do our best to provide a wide range of non-financial support as well as helping you access other funding across the public sector.
Find more grant options at Find Business Support
The grants we’ve listed are our own grants or featured calls from partners that we expect to drive Scotland’s progress towards a greener, fairer economy.
You’ll find a full list of grants, funding calls and other types of funding available across Scotland at the Find Business Support website. These may cover a wider range of sectors, activities and regions.
Go to the Find Business Support website opens in a new window
Other types of funding
European funding
These funds are typically highly competitive, but can offer big sums to the right businesses. Find out what’s available and how we can help you access it.
Investment funding
Looking for investors and investment funding? We can help you access a variety of sources of funding.
Highlands and Islands funding
If your business is based in the Highlands and Islands, you’ll find more relevant support on the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) website.
Sign up to email updates
Stay up to date with the latest events, webinars, funding opportunities and industry news.
Talk to us
If you’re an established business in Scotland, get in touch to tell us a bit about your business and what you’re planning. We’ll help point you towards the right support.