Digital solutions for energy transition
We’re looking for companies from the energy and digital sectors to participate in a proof of value project. We want to show how digital solutions can address challenges in the energy industry. There is up to £50,000 available to each company that provides a solution. Learn how it works, whether you're eligible, and apply here.
Do you have an energy sector challenge that could benefit from a digital solution? We’re looking for companies from both the energy and digital sectors to be part of a proof of value project that offers up to £50,000 for each solution.
Our application process will be split into two phases that target two types of company.
Phase one
- We’re looking for energy companies with an existing industry challenge. These companies will participate in the project as the beneficiary of a new digital solution.
Phase two
- From May onwards, we'll be looking for digital companies that can provide a solution to the challenges presented by the energy companies.
Individual companies from both phases will be paired up and will work together over a three to six month proof of value project.
We're currently in phase one. Energy companies must apply by 31 March 2025.
This innovation call was created in collaboration with the Net Zero Technology Centre and the Digital Trust Taskforce.
Is my company eligible?
This call is open to energy companies of any size. Digital companies must be a small or medium-sized enterprise.
To be eligible, your business must:
- Be registered, trading, or have a strategic presence in Scotland
- Be able to support the delivery of a pilot during quarters two, three, and four of 2025, either in kind or with financial resource
You must also be committed to fair working practices. This means work must offer all individuals an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment, and respect. It also includes paying employees at least the real Living Wage.
You can find out more about fair working practices and access free resources using the Fair Work Employer Support Toolopens in a new window.
Areas we're interested in
To be eligible for our call, your application must relate to one of the following areas.
Data sharing
- Equipment data to track performance and condition
- Materials, inventory data safety, or data related to risk
- Asset performance or reliability
- Emissions data
- Workforce training credentials
Asset tracking
- Tracking of any component in an operating energy facility, including pumps, turbines, compressors, heat exchangers, pipes, or valves
- Location of energy assets between manufacture and installation
- Status of any asset while in operation to track performance
- Maintenance operations performed on assets
- Location of human assets, such as a crew
ESG and sustainability compliance
- Reporting of scope three emissions
- Traceability of materials and equipment in relation to regulatory compliance
- Tracking of emissions from individual components or full energy systems
Important dates
- 18 February 2025 – phase one opens to energy companies
- 31 March 2025 – deadline for phase one applications
- 14 April 2025 – workshop to evaluate and refine applications
- 18 April 2025 – phase one applicants notified of results
- 5 May 2025 – phase two opens to digital companies
- 20 June 2025 – phase two closes to digital companies
- 21 June 2025 – phase two applications assessed
- 28 July 2025 – phase two applicants notified of results
- 4 August 2025 – grants awarded
- 11 August 2025 – earliest project start date
- February 2026 – latest project end date
How much support is available?
There is up to £50,000 available to each project.
Only the digital companies identified in phase two can apply for funding. The amount you receive will depend on the solution your company provides.
What is expected of my energy company?
During the project, the energy company will be required to:
- Participate in a workshop to refine your challenge with Scottish Enterprise and the Net Zero Technology Centreopens in a new window
- Participate in the project as an end-user or customer over a period of three to six months
- Provide resource and financial support throughout the delivery of the project
- Help create a final case study
- Publicise the results of the project through your networks, communications channels, and planned events
What is expected of my digital company?
We're looking for digital companies that can provide a solution to the challenges presented by energy companies.
The digital companies will work with an assigned energy company during the project to conduct assessments based on:
- Design
- Technical feasibility
- Financial feasibility
These assessments will help inform the creation of products and services that can provide a solution to an energy company.
Your application must include, but doesn't need to be limited to, a blockchain-based solution.
How to get started
If you’re interested in applying for phase one of our call or just want some more information, get in touch with us.
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