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Research, evaluation and insight

Search our publicly accessible collection of evaluation and research reports. These reports cover all aspects of Scottish Enterprise's economic development activities and are available for download at no cost.

  • Evaluation of the Ambassador Programme (2006)

    The main aim of the Ambassador Programme is to liaise with the business and academic communities, and to encourage and support prominent local individuals, known as ‘ambassadors’, to bring conferences to Aberdeen.
    SQW Limited
    Food and drink
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of the Business Gateway Fife Business Information Service (2004)

    The Business Information Service aims to provide high quality business information to start up and existing companies with the objective of enabling them to identify new opportunities and new markets, improve competitiveness in existing markets and enhance potential for growth.
    Roberts Partnership
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of the Business Gateway Fife Start-Up Service (2004)

    An evaluation was undertaken of the Business Gateway Fife Start-Up Service, which supports business start-ups in the area.
    Alan Brazewell Economics Ltd; IBP Strategy and Research
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
  • Evaluation of the Business Growth Initiative (2005)

    The Business Growth Initiative (BGI) aimed to support Lanarkshire’s High and Medium Impact companies to improve business performance through the development and implementation of strategic projects.
    O’Herlihy and Co Ltd
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
    High growth entrepreneurship
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of the Community Land Unit: a final report (2005)

    The Community Land Unit (CLU) aims to: promote community-led land purchase or management initiatives; provide advice and support for the community land initiatives, including the exchange of best practice; contribute to the research and development of policies related to community land initiatives; and deliver the Scottish Land Fund on behalf of the Big Lottery Fund (from February 2001).
    SQW Limited
    Rural Development
    Sustainable development
  • Evaluation of the Edinburgh Ambassador and Conference Support programmes: final report (2003)

    The Edinburgh Ambassador programme aimed to use the expertise and contacts of local academics and industrialists to attract additional international association conferences and events.
    SQW Limited
    Sector-level support
    Inward investment
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of investments in multi-user scientific facilities: final report (2003)

    Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian’s (SEE&L) Biotechnology team’s investment in open-access facilities, at local research institutions and universities, aimed to: enable SMEs to have access to equipment and facilities they would be unable to purchase themselves; and facilitate an awareness of the existence of such facilities to SMEs and other businesses.
    Providea Ltd (Mark Davison, Mari McCrossan)
    Supporting key sectors
    Business innovation
    Innovation system
    Life Sciences
  • Evaluation of the Electronic Design Automation Tools Support Scheme for start-ups (2006)

    The Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Tools Support Scheme for start-up companies began in 2003 with the aim of providing high quality design software to small design companies not normally able to afford such tools in their early stages, to help them grow and attract business.
    SQW Limited
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
    Business innovation
  • Evaluation of the Electronics Market Diversification Programme (2004)

    The Electronics Market Diversification Programme began as an idea put forward by the director of Electronics Scotland, who believed that such a programme would make an important contribution to Scotland’s electronics manufacturing sector.
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of the Graduate Attraction Scheme (2006)

    The Graduate Attraction Scheme was a three year project set up by the UK Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA), the Department for Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Scottish Enterprise (SE) Energy Team to attract high achieving graduates into the UK oil and gas industry, in reaction to the perceived shortage of young people entering technical and engineering courses at university.
    GEN Consulting; Research Resource
    Skills Development
  • Evaluation of the Greenock Waterfront: final report (2002)

    The Greenock Waterfront initiatives aimed to enable the regeneration of the wider Inverclyde economy, through improvements to the physical environment and the provision of infrastructure for the development of leisure, educational and retail facilities, by undertaking environmental improvements, developing brownfield land, and creating employment opportunities.
    DTZ Pieda Consulting
    Area regeneration
    Local/community regeneration
  • Evaluation of the impact of Business Growth services 2003-05 (2005)

    Business Growth services have been delivered through the Business Gateway, principally in the form of a Business Development Review (BDR) through Client Management or a Healthcheck through the Universal service.
    Alan Brazewell Economics Ltd; IBP Strategy and Research
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of the Inverclyde Business Store (2004)

    Inverclyde Business Store (the Store) was a one-stop shop for businesses in Inverclyde.
    SQW Limited
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of the Investment Readiness Support (IRS) Scheme (2007)

    Investment Readiness Support (IRS) was set up in 2003 with the aim of improving the ability of client companies to secure investment finance.
    Investor readiness support
  • Evaluation of the IRC network: final report (2003)

    The Innovation Relay Centre (IRC) Network Scotland aimed to: improve firms’ competitiveness; assist in the commercialisation of R&D and in technology transfer more generally; and facilitate the take-up of EU research results.
    O’Herlihy and Co Ltd
    Business innovation
    Innovation system
  • Evaluation of the IRC Network: final report (2004)

    The Innovation Relay Centre Network Scotland (IRC) was part of the European IRC network of 72 Innovation Relay Centres, created to facilitate the transfer of innovative technologies to and from European companies, mainly SMEs, and research departments.
    O’Herlihy and Co Ltd
    Business innovation
    Innovation system
  • Evaluation of the Leadership and Management Development Programme (2002)

    The Leadership and Management Development Programme (LMDP) has, since 1993, operated a range of tailored programmes designed to enhance management and leadership skills within Lanarkshire companies.
    EKOS Limited
    Leadership/management development
  • Evaluation of the Management Development Programme for Inventors: final report (2005)

    The aim of the Management Development Programme for Inventors (MDP) was to provide individuals with a clearer understanding of how to run and grow a successful technology business through a series of workshop sessions.
    SQW Limited
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Business innovation
    Innovation system
  • Evaluation of the marketing advance programme – Section 1: Report (2005)

    The Marketing Advance Programme (MAP) aimed to help companies: develop well-researched, workable marketing plans; enhance the strategic marketing skills of their key staff; improve their ability to manage and deliver marketing activity; enhance their understanding of new and existing markets and customers; and develop a network of contacts with other Lothian companies.
    Giraffe Consulting Limited
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of the Marketing Advance Programme: a report to Scottish Enterprise Grampian (2005)

    The Marketing Advance Programme (MAP), launched as a pilot in Grampian, and developed for the SE Network by Brilliant Red Consulting aimed to ‘provide a way of filling the gap in SMEs’ understanding of strategic marketing’.
    SQW Limited
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of the Microcredit programme: consultants’ report (2005)

    The Microcredit programme is a ‘targeted Women into Business product’.
    Policy Research Network
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
    Debt investment/loans
  • Evaluation of the New Futures Fund initiative (2005)

    The New Futures Fund (NFF) takes a holistic approach to employability enhancement, aiming to assist the most disadvantaged target client groups, furthest removed from the labour market, to develop the skills, knowledge, attitudes and attributes they need to acquire to be more employable.
    Training and Employment Research Unit; Cambridge Policy Consultants; Simon Clark Associates Limited
    Equal opportunities
    Skills Development
    Economic Inclusion
  • Evaluation of the New Market Development programme (2001)

    The New Market Development programme (NMD) was set up to help new and existing exporters develop new overseas markets.
    Fazakerley Associates
    Internationalisation of Scottish businesses
    Food and drink
  • Evaluation of the New Market Development Project: final report (2004)

    The New Market Development Programme (NMDP) aimed to assist firms to diversify their market base by developing new overseas markets.
    T L Dempster Strategy and Research
    Internationalisation of Scottish businesses
    Food and drink
  • Evaluation of The Research Centre (Media Innovation Support Programme Phase 3) (2006)

    The Research Centre (TRC) was established by Channel 4 (C4), in partnership with Scottish Enterprise Glasgow (SEG), to enable independent production companies based in Glasgow (and the Nations and Regions) to invest in research and development.
    EKOS Limited
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Business innovation

Impact appraisal and evaluation guidance

Read our impact appraisal and evaluation guidance to learn more about how we create these reports.

This guidance helps us ensure that any impact assessment for our projects and programmes uses consistent methodologies and is undertaken in a transparent way.

The full guidance is available as a PDF.