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Research, evaluation and insight

Search our publicly accessible collection of evaluation and research reports. These reports cover all aspects of Scottish Enterprise's economic development activities and are available for download at no cost.

  • Evaluation of the Scottish Co-Investment Fund: a report to Scottish Enterprise (2008)

    The Co-Investment Fund aims to work with private sector partners to increase capacity and capability in the venture capital market in order to increase the supply of early stage equity funding to Scottish based small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that have high growth potential.
    Keith Hayton (Hayton Consulting); Graham Thom, Vincent Percy, Chris Boyd, Kathleen Latimer (GEN Consulting)
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Equity investment
  • Evaluation of the Scottish Enterprise Ayrshire Sustainable Environment Programme (2004)

    SE Ayrshire’s Sustainable Environment Programme aimed to meet SE Targets through the development and running of the Ayrshire Environmental Management Group (AEMG) .
    Wren and Bell
    Sustainable development
  • Evaluation of the Scottish Export Assistance Scheme: a final report (2001)

    The Scottish Export Assistance Scheme (SEAS) aimed to offer assistance to Scottish firms seeking to develop new, non-EU, export markets.
    DTZ Pieda Consulting
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Internationalisation of Scottish businesses
  • Evaluation of the Scottish Fuel Cell Consortium (2006)

    The Scottish Fuel Cell Consortium (SFCC) project was set up in 2000 to aid the successful introduction of fuel cell technology into Scotland.
    Professor J L Murray; MTM Associates
    Sector-level support
  • Evaluation of the Scottish Offshore Achievement Awards: final report (2001)

    The Scottish Offshore Achievement Awards (SOAA), run by Scottish Enterprise Grampian (SEG), were revised in 1997.
    O’Herlihy and Co Ltd
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of the Scottish Semiconductor Supplier Forum Network: final report (2006)

    Scottish Semiconductor Supplier Forum Limited (SSSF), a component of Scottish Enterprise (SE) Micro and Opto Electronics (MOET) cluster support, aimed to: promote and develop the semiconductor supplier infrastructure; promote cooperation and sharing of industry knowledge among members; develop linkages with industry bodies and lobby major stakeholders; and inform SE and other stakeholders of relevant industry matters.
    Biggar Economics
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Sector-level support
  • Evaluation of the SEFV Satellite Broadband Pilot Project (2004)

    The SEFV Satellite Broadband Pilot Project aimed to provide satellite broadband connectivity to businesses in rural Stirlingshire where conventional broadband services (such as ASDL or cable) were unavailable.
    Giraffe Consulting Limited
    Supporting key sectors
    Rural Development
  • Evaluation of the Small Towns Initiative – operations 2001 – 2004: final report for Stranraer, Cairnryan and Portpatrick Small Towns Initiative (2004)

    The Stranraer, Portpatrick and Cairnryan Small Towns Initiative (STI) aimed to develop the three rural towns, providing focused assistance to boost local businesses and enhance their environments.
    EKOS Limited
    Area regeneration
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of the St Andrews University Fuel Cell Project (2006)

    The St Andrews Fuel Cell Commercialisation Project (FCCP) was set up with both technical and economic development purposes: to advance a new concept to address sealing and interconnection problems in current solid oxide fuel cells, to prove this concept and then to commercialise this technology.
    SQW Limited
  • Evaluation of the Technology Translator Project: final report (2005)

    The Technology Translator (TT) project in digital communications aimed to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) find academic partners for technological research and development, and then to have a successful collaboration.
    O'Herlihy and Co Ltd
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
    Business innovation
  • Evaluation of the Tourism Innovation Approach (2006)

    The Tourism Innovation Approach (TIA), is a multi-faceted, integrated approach to stimulating change in the tourism industry in Scotland, through a range of interventions to inspire, drive and channel higher levels of innovation in product and service development.
    Frontline Consultants
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Business innovation
    Innovation system
  • Evaluation of Tourism Training in the Scottish Borders 1996 – 2000 (2001)

    Tourism Training Scotland (TTS) aimed to create a training culture, enhance professional standards, and improve access to quality training.
    Ray Hopper Associates
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Skills Development
  • Evaluation of Tourism Training programme: final report (2003)

    Scottish Enterprise Dumfries and Galloway’s (SEDG) tourism training programme consisted of 10 separate training schemes, providing subsidised places for staff employed in tourism businesses.
    Jones Economics Ltd
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Skills Development
  • Evaluation of Tourism Training Scotland: final report (2007)

    Tourism Training Scotland (TTS), a joint industry / public sector forum, aimed to: create a training culture among tourism businesses and their staff; enhance professional standards and the status of jobs in the industry; and improve access to quality training.
    Cambridge Policy Consultants
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Skills Development
  • Evaluation of University to SME Technology Transfer in Opto and Microelectronics (TTOM) (2008)

    The University to SME Technology Transfer in Opto and Microelectronics (TTOM) project aims to promote greater collaboration between universities and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
    GEN Consulting; O'Herlihy and Co
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Evaluation of Wireless Innovation Centre (2005)

    This evaluation provides an interim report on the Wireless Innovation (WI) Centre (part of a joint evaluation of the Hillington Park Innovation Centre) which was designed to offer Scottish companies access to a wireless infrastructure.
    O’Herlihy and Co Ltd
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of Women into Business workshops and networking: final report (2005)

    The Women into Business (WIB) project runs workshops and networking events within Edinburgh and Lothian.
    EKOS Limited
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
    Equal opportunities
  • Evaluation: Huntly Learning Centre (final report) (2001)

    The local authority-run learning centre in Huntly, Aberdeenshire, which offers practical careers advice, was evaluated.
    Ashbrook Research & Consultancy Limited
    Skills Development
  • Ex-post evaluation of the Lowland Scotland LEADER II Community Initiative: final report (2001)

    The Lowland Scotland LEADER II programme aimed to promote local development and prioritise activities that met the LEADER II criteria of innovation, demonstrable and transferable.
    EKOS Limited
    Local/community regeneration
    Rural Development
  • Expert Help programme evaluation (2003)

    The Expert Help programme was designed to stimulate product and process innovation by raising the level of competence and technical ability in SMEs, and increasing SME awareness of the importance of using external technical advice.
    Frontline Consultants; Policy Research Network (Scotland) Limited
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Business innovation
    Innovation system
  • Falkirk action plan: an evaluation (2005)

    The My Futures in Falkirk (MFIF) programme aimed to provide a strategic approach to re-engineering Falkirk’s economy, with a view to diversifying into new sectors and reducing dependence on a small number of large employers.
    Training and Employment Research Unit, University of Glasgow
    Area regeneration
    Local/community regeneration
  • Falkirk CURP (Converted SIP): final evaluation – final report (2001)

    The Falkirk Community Urban Regeneration Programme (CURP) aimed to: alleviate poverty by increasing income and access to employment and education; reduce the risk to health and safety of communities and individuals; develop appropriate community infrastructure; and remove barriers to individuals reaching their potential.
    Richard Scothorne, Partners in Economic Development
    Urban development corporations
    Skills Development
  • Farm Venture evaluation (2003)

    The Farm Venture project aimed to assist groups of farmers develop ideas from which new ventures could be established on a collaborative basis in order to: provide the participants with another source of income and a reason to stay on the farm; help secure the future of the farm business; and stimulate enterprise in the Borders countryside.
    Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society (SAOS) Ltd
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
    Social enterprise
    Rural Development
  • Final evaluation of CSAP Innovation Fund (2006)

    Scottish Enterprise (SE) Borders received funding from the Construction Skills Action Plan Innovation Fund to: carry out training needs analyses with local construction companies for the development of training plans; establish a local construction training group; and raise awareness of careers in the construction industry among local school pupils and unemployed people.
    GEN Consulting
    Sector-level support
    Skills Development
  • Final evaluation of SER Courseware Library Project (2003)

    The Courseware Library Project aimed to encourage employers and training providers to become learning organisations, and introduce employers and learners to new learning technologies.
    4most plus ltd
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Skills Development

Impact appraisal and evaluation guidance

Read our impact appraisal and evaluation guidance to learn more about how we create these reports.

This guidance helps us ensure that any impact assessment for our projects and programmes uses consistent methodologies and is undertaken in a transparent way.

The full guidance is available as a PDF.