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Capability directory

Energy Technology Partnership (ETP)

ETP is an independent partnership of 14 Scottish universities engaged in world-class energy research and innovation. It's the largest academic energy research partnership in Europe.

ETP fosters collaboration between universities and industry to deliver research and innovation across a range of energy technologies – hydrogen is one of the 13 research themes.

They also provide funding for PhD students researching within the energy sector. ETP plays a broad role in many hydrogen innovation programmes across Scotland (including MSIP and WESA). It therefore has capabilities that span the full value chain. However this page focusses purely on ETP’s additional and specific programmes.

Energy Technology Partnership

Collaboration opportunities

ETP’s hydrogen-focussed programmes, including the Hydrogen Innovation Programme, provide opportunities for companies looking to base their businesses in Scotland.

These programmes support technologies that will support a green hydrogen economy, including:

  • Heating
  • Industrial processes
  • Fuel cells
  • Hydrogen propulsion systems
  • Energy storage
  • Hydrogen as an energy vector
  • Hydrogen transmission and distribution
  • Production of green hydrogen
  • Hydrogen derivatives, for example, ammonia and methanol

Contact us for more information

Discover the possibilities in Scotland’s hydrogen sector. Get in touch with our team today to discover how we can help you.