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Capability directory

National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS)

The National Manufacturing Institute Scotland is a group of industry-led manufacturing research and development facilities where research, industry and the public sector work together to transform skills, productivity and innovation to attract investment and make Scotland a global leader in high-value manufacturing.

Collaboration opportunities

Here are some examples of collaboration opportunities:

  • Hydrogen supply chain improvements, for example, data-driven solutions for hydrogen component manufacture
  • Streamlining manufacture timelines with digital solutions for the hydrogen supply chain
  • Potential for future inclusion of hydrogen-specific courses
  • Reconfigurable Pilot Line and testbed, which can provide an accessible, flexible and modular alternative to a traditional fixed pilot line for manufacturers that want to become more agile without an initial large upfront investment
  • Manufacturing feasibility studies and production trials using industry-scale equipment
  • The potential to access and characterise material behaviour

Contact us for more information

Discover the possibilities in Scotland’s hydrogen sector. Get in touch with our team today to discover how we can help you.