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Energy Transition Zone (ETZ)

ETZ Ltd is a private-sector-led and not-for-profit company spearheading the energy transition in the north-east of Scotland. It is supported by significant funding from the Scottish and UK governments and aims to reposition the region as a globally recognised new and green energy cluster.

Key initiatives include a 250-hectare Energy Transition Zone near the brand new £420 million Aberdeen South Harbour, featuring a Marine Gateway, an Offshore Wind Campus, an Innovation Campus, a Skills Campus and a Hydrogen Campus.

Energy Transition Zone

Collaboration opportunities

Here are some examples of collaboration opportunities:

  • The north-east of Scotland is an attractive European destination for low carbon and net-zero technology investment. The ETZ in Aberdeen will act as a catalyst for offshore renewables and the production of hydrogen
    and CO2 storage, which will enable it to make a significant contribution to the net zero objective.
  • The ETZ will support 2500 direct jobs, with a further 10,000 energy transition-related jobs.
  • Through the innovation, skills, hydrogen, and wind campus sites, there are many synergies for public and private sector partners across the entire hydrogen value chain to test and develop their products, and deliver projects.

Key hydrogen contacts

Contact us for more information

Discover the possibilities in Scotland’s hydrogen sector. Get in touch with our team today to discover how we can help you.