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Capability directory

European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC)

EMEC is a not-for-profit innovation catalyst that facilitates a R&D ecosystem to demonstrate, test and deploy new sustainable technologies, including green hydrogen.

The organisation has been involved in 18 hydrogen innovation projects to date, in collaboration with companies working across production, storage, transportation and use in heat, power and transport. Notably, EMEC achieved the world’s first tidal generated hydrogen plant in partnership with tidal energy firms Orbital and Torcado.

European Marine Energy Centre

Collaboration opportunities

EMEC offers testing and demonstration facilities and various technical and business services in the hydrogen R&D ecosystem, including:

  • Green hydrogen supply
  • A dedicated hydrogen plant and laydown area for equipment
  • Access to data interfacing with deployed technology
  • Hydrogen end-use demonstration facilities (fuel cell and CHP)
  • Technical, socio-economic and environmental impact assessments
  • Regulation development support services
  • Collaboration hub to enable stakeholder engagement

Contact us for more information

Discover the possibilities in Scotland’s hydrogen sector. Get in touch with our team today to discover how we can help you.